Comments on: Blaming Islam is just too easy AUTHOR | SPEAKER | MISSIOLOGIST | AGITATOR Thu, 05 Oct 2017 03:54:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jeff James Wed, 26 Jul 2017 09:16:37 +0000 In reply to kevinr.

Dear Mike

We get to discuss our failures and faults because we are products of the west. Western society is founded on Judaic Christian values. Yes we acknowledge colonisation, conflict and gross injustice perpetrated by us our ancestors. We make no claim to be perfect; the same cannot be said of many other civilisations. In fact our capacity to beat ourselves endlessly for all our crimes is only matched by those who are happy to watch us do it, particularly those who see our civilisation as nothing more that kafir culture.

Are the sins of our ancestors against the aboriginal people of our continent forgiven Mike? Or does Christ need to take to the cross again? Racism isn’t dead and it never will be. We acknowledge loud and clear those crimes.

Has western civilisation contributed nothing to humanity? Factual history proves otherwise. Is it worth defending or should it die?

You have a platform and a responsibility Mike so where was your mention of the brutality and violence of Islamic conquest, the conquest and subjugation that came out of Arabia and conquered the lands and peoples of North Africa, Syria, Turkey (Asia minor), India, Afghanistan, Spain, Eastern Europe etc. And your mention of the Barbary Raids and Islamic slave trade? These events are all historic FACT. We don’t talk of them now because to do so would be racist or politically incorrect. Only white men have caused sin in the world right?

If you haven’t read the Quran, the Hadith’s (Burkari & Muslim) or the Sira (Muhammad’s Bio) then as suggested by other commenters here, you really should bring yourself up to speed and quickly. As someone with a platform it would be the only responsible thing to do. This textual trilogy is normative/foundational Islam. 91 verses in the Quran command believers to follow the example of Muhammad and where is his example found? The Hadith’s and the Sira. These texts are all by Islamic scholars and are acknowledged as foundational and authoritative, FACT period. I read them regularly to understand why we are hated, why we are kafirs.

Was the Manchester bomber not following in the example of his prophet, was he not aware of Muhammad’s commands? The only authorities on Islam are Allah and Muhammad. I don’t conflate Islam with Muslims because one makes the other not the other way round.

Oh and the crusades, those evil crusades. The moral equivalent of 1400 years of Jihad in all its forms? As a Christian, Mike then surely you know what they were a response to? And what a belated response they were, one of the only times western Christians responded to the cries of help from their eastern brothers and sisters.

Also I thought I’d let you know that your articles are being picked by a group called “Muslims For Progressive Values” who are posting your opinions via their Facebook page. I’ve attended their “Meet A Muslim” events, which are now occurring around Australia. The events are eye opening in that much time is spent reading verses from the Meccan Quran as well as in the case of the meeting I attended, attacking Christian scripture and schooling gullible non-believers (kafirs) on what Islam is really all about. I’d recommend you attend one of these ongoing meetings in your nearest capital city and judge for yourself.

Oh and Chesterton wasn’t exactly fond of Islam, in fact he saw it for what it was, he indeed called a spade a spade. Something we seem unprepared to do to our own peril. Our problem now is we are so divided and that we attack each other rather than focusing on the actual problem.

Islam denys and distorts foundational Christian doctrine Mike, its all there in the Quran for you to read for yourself. Muhammad loved his neighbors so much that this is what he had to say about Christians and Jews on his deathbed –

Burkari, Book 56: Volume 4, Number 660,

On his deathbed Allah’s Apostle put a sheet over his-face and when he felt hot, he would remove it from his face. When in that state (of putting and removing the sheet) he said, “May Allah’s Curse be on the Jews and the Christians for they build places of worship at the graves of their prophets.” (By that) he intended to warn (the Muslim) from what they (i.e. Jews and Christians) had done.

Bear in mind these were the final thoughts of a dying man. I simply refuse to become a useful idiot or enabler for Islam and in the end a Dhimmi.

Happy to talk to you anytime though about these matters.

By: Sarah Smith Sun, 28 May 2017 18:42:28 +0000 In reply to Michael Frost.

It seems apparent to me Sir that you have NEVER read a word of the Quran or Hadith. How can a person responsibly discuss a subject he honestly has never bothered to research? and then go public with it? Thats absolutely irresponsible. I bet you do not blame the Nazi ideology for the holocaust either. Actually indeed i cannot cos guess what? I do not have very much first hand information about Nazi ideology. How can i therefore responsibly comment about it. Read the quran and hadith and understand Islam first before making these kinds of commentaries.

By: kevinr Sun, 28 May 2017 09:08:13 +0000 Total ignorance masquerading as informed comment

By: Margaret Houston Fri, 26 May 2017 21:55:40 +0000 You do realise that the people you are trying to reach. “The bigoted ones”, will never read the Koran, have probably never read the Bible either. They love to believe anyone who is different is wrong. Ask them their beliefs and they bluster and say peace of course. Yet these same people spread this harmful rhetoric all the time.

By: Craig Townsend Thu, 25 May 2017 22:24:25 +0000 The Egyptian Coptics are giving us a Jesus-shaped response. Francis of Assisi and the children’s pilgrimage that met in a different way with Saladin during the horrendous Crusades gave a us a different model. The scriptures advocate neither a naive love that ignores human evil, nor a form of truth that denies love sees that things that pure justice alone does not. In Martin Luther King’s words our “Strength to Love” lives in the space of “Being wise as serpents and gentle as doves.

Our pluralist western setting can gutlessly and blindly call prophetic critique of other cultures and religion “judgemental”. Unfortunately, there remains plenty of evidence from within the western church that fear and hated filled attitudes fuel a failure to love strangers and our enemies turning up in blanket statements categorising all Muslims as as perpetrators of violence in the wings. The fundamental characteristic of the true Biblical prophets of old was their deep love for and identification with those to whom they spoke with such truthful directness. And with their call they carrried a sense of responsibility to represent all of whom God is to those to whom God had sent them to speak.

We must not, we cannot separate love and truth in this toxic complex space. A cross shaped prophetic position that names the reality of violence as sin, and the particular thinking that fuelled it but lives the way of the Crucified One is our pathway. Finally, it ought give us pause that such great feeling is being outpoured for the Manchester tragedy when simultaneously the terrorist bombings this week in Jakarta and East Java have occupied little media attention or weighed on western awareness. Why is that? What does it suggest to us about our mind set and fears and deficits in compassion?

By: Kim Beazley Thu, 25 May 2017 22:23:07 +0000 In reply to Michael Frost.

” I haven’t read enough of the Quran. ” Then what makes you think you can pontificate about this in such an ill-informed &, frankly, dangerous, fashion? There is more than enough material available by responsible Christian apologists with a deep understanding of Islam that I, a humble layperson, can put my hands on, then you, as a leader, should have done so before you put forward what is really no more than the kind of nonsense Islamists claim as their justification for hating Christians. And do you really imagine for one minute that flogging such straw men as Luther’s prejudices, the Crusades, the Inquisition, witch hunts & the KKK in any way enlightens the issues here?

“….we need to be humble enough to admit the myriad ways Christendom has fallen way short over the past 2000 years”. And you don’t think the fact that “Christendom” looks nothing like this today might just suggest to you the fact that she HAS been humble enough to deal with those areas where she fell short? This, however, is not the case with Islam, as it is a literal understanding of the Quran which is behind these terror attacks (or, at the least, confusion over its myriad self-contradictions), not, as is the case of “the myriad ways Christendom has fallen way short over the past 2000 years”, where each has involved a CLEAR CORRUPTION of the Scriptures which has led to them.

By: Ron Wilson Thu, 25 May 2017 16:50:37 +0000 It is interesting that at the time of the bombing in Manchester every political party in the UK is publishing their manifestos for every voter to read. These manifestos are a written declaration of what each particular party believes and intends to act upon if elected. They want you to understand their position and if you agree then to act by voting for them. That is what the manifestos are for, and we agree and welcome them for their political guidance.
Islam has a manifesto; the Koran and their other writings, upon which every true Muslim is expected to believe and live by, which as we know, has no place for and ultimately would destroy any who believe in and follow the God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ. Others have mentioned this. Some predominantly Muslim countries do this with immunity.
Is it not then fully committed, dedicated Islamists who are doing the bombings? Why do we call them misguided terrorists. Aren’t they just being true to their religion? I don’t believe Islamists who stand up and defend their religion as being a peaceful religion. Read their manifesto.
I am told as a Christian that I am to ignore their manifesto; to love them and forgive them, and go about my way. However, I also love my kids, grandkids, great-grandchildren who will suffer increasingly from the actions of these people. But I am being told by politically correct people/Christians that I am not to take the overt steps needed to protect my family from these true and faithful Islamists.
I am not a prophet or the son of a prophet, but it takes little foresight and practical wisdom to predict Manchester is just another of an increasingly expected number of onslaughts to our society. Our leaders believe this too by pouring more police onto the streets and public gatherings. And when it happens we will hear from our leaders that once again it is just some misguided terrorists.
The Bible says the the root of problems lies in the heart, the motivating and activating centre of behaviour. Christ, we say as evangelicals can change the heart, thereby acknowledging that the heart has to be dealt with if surface problems are to be dealt with, avoided, or changed. And political leaders are appointed by God to assure that everyone can live in peace and safety. (So we have driving laws, slavery laws etc, etc. etc. All acceptable by us for the wellbeing of our society)
At present out leaders are fiddling around the edges of the Muslim problem, pouring troops, police, money, time, investigations, and energy into trying to contain the bombings. But political correctness, and the freedom given to all religious groups to exist regardless does not permit anyone to call attention to the heart of the matter and act to accordingly.
The heart of the matter lies in the manifesto of Islam. We can have driving laws, and slavery laws to protect the innocent, but not laws against the manifesto of the Muslims that is equally destroying the innocent.
Let’s be bold and creative Christians and deal with the heart problem by acknowledging it, exposing it (speaking the truth in love), and take appropriate actions to deal with the heart of the problem. Where are the Christian leaders with the knowledge, ability, experience and guts to do this?

By: Stuart Blythe Thu, 25 May 2017 09:12:20 +0000 In reply to Michael Frost.

Ok, again I agree that there is no monolithic Islam, and there is individual responsibility, but are there not ideas and ideologies, powers and principalities, etc. Which need also to be named and challenged etc?

By: Michael Frost Thu, 25 May 2017 03:47:59 +0000 In reply to John T. Broom, PhD..

I didn’t say Islam doesn’t have a relationship to violence. I haven’t read enough of the Quran. Obviously you have. But whenever I post something about gun control or capital punishment or pacifism I have a plethora of Christians quoting the Bible to justify killing.

By: John T. Broom, PhD. Thu, 25 May 2017 02:40:40 +0000 In reply to Michael Frost.

Please read the Quran in chronological order, it can be found here . Read the Sira or Life of Muhammad alongside it following the timeline. The Sira starts before the Quran does, but the Sira tells you when to start reading the Quran in Chronological Order. Once you read those two, then read all the Hadith in the Sahih Bukhair or Sahih Muslim. After that we can talk. Yes it is Islam.
