Mike Frost https://mikefrost.net/ AUTHOR | SPEAKER | MISSIOLOGIST | AGITATOR Tue, 26 Mar 2024 02:49:25 +0000 en-AU hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://i0.wp.com/mikefrost.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/cropped-MF.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 Mike Frost https://mikefrost.net/ 32 32 116298986 Picturing the Resurrection https://mikefrost.net/picturing-the-resurrection/ https://mikefrost.net/picturing-the-resurrection/#comments Tue, 26 Mar 2024 02:49:21 +0000 https://mikefrost.net/?p=32778 The best paintings of the resurrection don’t include Jesus in them. At least it seems that way. Seven years ago (was it really that long??) I asked the question as to whether Eugène Burnand’s 1867 painting The Disciples Peter and John Running to the Sepulchre on the Morning of the Resurrection was the greatest Easter […]

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https://mikefrost.net/picturing-the-resurrection/feed/ 7 32778
The Perfect Ash Wednesday Picture https://mikefrost.net/the-perfect-ash-wednesday-picture/ https://mikefrost.net/the-perfect-ash-wednesday-picture/#comments Tue, 13 Feb 2024 02:27:30 +0000 https://mikefrost.net/?p=32801 What an eccentric painting this is. Carl Spitzweg’s 1860 painting Ash Wednesday depicts a clown, dressed presumably for Mardi Gras, languishing in a dark and dingy cell. Lit by a shaft of light from the high window opposite, he appears downcast, his head bowed and arms crossed in contrition and regret. To me, the clown […]

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https://mikefrost.net/the-perfect-ash-wednesday-picture/feed/ 3 32801
The Fierce Mother Heart of God https://mikefrost.net/the-fierce-mother-heart-of-god/ https://mikefrost.net/the-fierce-mother-heart-of-god/#comments Sun, 26 Nov 2023 20:55:16 +0000 https://mikefrost.net/?p=32747 My three-year-old grandson Jarrah has been unwell recently. Really unwell. He has been seriously ill with what we’ve now discovered was a horrible combination of scarlet fever and pneumonia, leading to a four-hour-long operation to drain infected fluid from his tiny lungs. Even after the surgery, his recovery has been slow. It’s been a tough […]

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https://mikefrost.net/the-fierce-mother-heart-of-god/feed/ 6 32747
Evangelism as Storytelling: learning all three stories https://mikefrost.net/evangelism-as-storytelling-learning-all-three-stories/ https://mikefrost.net/evangelism-as-storytelling-learning-all-three-stories/#comments Tue, 25 Jul 2023 01:30:37 +0000 https://mikefrost.net/?p=32688 This the fourth and final blog post in which I explore the whole process of faith sharing. I’ve been pitching the idea that evangelism is about much more than memorizing and retelling one story. It’s actually about telling three stories. In my first post, I wrote about how we need to get better at telling […]

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https://mikefrost.net/evangelism-as-storytelling-learning-all-three-stories/feed/ 5 32688
The Evangelistic Art of Listening Well https://mikefrost.net/the-evangelistic-art-of-listening-well/ https://mikefrost.net/the-evangelistic-art-of-listening-well/#comments Mon, 17 Jul 2023 11:44:05 +0000 https://mikefrost.net/?p=32643 This is the third post in a four-part series on how to share our faith. In the first post I explored the importance of learning to tell our spiritual autobiographies. In the second post I made the case for why we need to get better at telling the big story of God. Faith sharing involves […]

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https://mikefrost.net/the-evangelistic-art-of-listening-well/feed/ 6 32643
The Way You Tell the Story of God Matters https://mikefrost.net/the-way-you-tell-the-story-of-god-matters/ https://mikefrost.net/the-way-you-tell-the-story-of-god-matters/#comments Tue, 11 Jul 2023 00:35:30 +0000 https://mikefrost.net/?p=32625 In my previous post, I talked about the need for Christians to learn to tell their own spiritual autobiographies more effectively. I wrote, “Less and less people want to listen to religious lectures or church sermons, but they’ll listen to stories from your spiritual autobiography if you can tell them in a compelling way.” Well, […]

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https://mikefrost.net/the-way-you-tell-the-story-of-god-matters/feed/ 9 32625
The Way You Tell Your Spiritual Autobiography Matters https://mikefrost.net/the-way-you-tell-your-spiritual-autobiography-matters/ https://mikefrost.net/the-way-you-tell-your-spiritual-autobiography-matters/#comments Wed, 05 Jul 2023 03:04:33 +0000 https://mikefrost.net/?p=32614 Both my parents have passed away. So have my aunts and uncles. Occasionally, a question about my extended family or something that happened when I was a boy pops into my head and I instinctively think I need to ask my mother about that before realising within a split second that she’s no longer here. […]

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https://mikefrost.net/the-way-you-tell-your-spiritual-autobiography-matters/feed/ 5 32614
Yes, Yes, Yes. Let’s recognise First Nations Peoples in our Constitution https://mikefrost.net/yes-yes-yes-lets-recognise-first-nations-peoples-in-our-constitution/ https://mikefrost.net/yes-yes-yes-lets-recognise-first-nations-peoples-in-our-constitution/#comments Thu, 29 Jun 2023 00:58:23 +0000 https://mikefrost.net/?p=32605 Later this year, Australians will go to the polls to vote on whether the First Nations peoples of this continent will be granted constitutional recognition. We will also vote on the constitutionally enshrined establishment of a permanent committee comprised entirely of First Nations people to act as a consultative body to the parliament on legislation […]

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https://mikefrost.net/yes-yes-yes-lets-recognise-first-nations-peoples-in-our-constitution/feed/ 7 32605
Cricket goes “Woke” and I love it https://mikefrost.net/cricket-goes-woke-and-i-love-it/ https://mikefrost.net/cricket-goes-woke-and-i-love-it/#comments Fri, 16 Jun 2023 02:06:54 +0000 https://mikefrost.net/?p=32582 This week the Australian animated kids program Bluey released an episode about the great and ancient game of cricket. I know Bluey is very popular in the USA, so I can’t imagine what its American viewers made of that episode. There were references to “square cuts” and “pull shots” and “straight bats,” and I have […]

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https://mikefrost.net/cricket-goes-woke-and-i-love-it/feed/ 5 32582
The Problem of Fortune-Telling Preaching https://mikefrost.net/the-problem-of-fortune-telling-preaching/ https://mikefrost.net/the-problem-of-fortune-telling-preaching/#comments Thu, 20 Apr 2023 13:29:35 +0000 https://mikefrost.net/?p=32539 “You won’t soar like an eagle if you’re negative in your thinking. Get your thoughts going in the right direction.” “Settling for what is comfortable is one of the biggest enemies to our enlargement.” “Your freedom will be determined by whether you allow what I think and say about you to matter more than what […]

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https://mikefrost.net/the-problem-of-fortune-telling-preaching/feed/ 10 32539