Comments on: Hey Bart, progressive Christians aren’t the only ones on the road to atheism AUTHOR | SPEAKER | MISSIOLOGIST | AGITATOR Thu, 29 Nov 2018 23:51:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Beth BUCHANON Thu, 29 Nov 2018 23:51:10 +0000 In reply to Michael Frost.

Agreed. There are also so many pastors engaging in sinful lifestyles, many who are narcissists fed by all the attention and sometimes fame and power of leading that it is completing confusing and discrediting the faith…i.e., the deeper or real commitment to faith and loss of self is waning. “We must decrease, Jesus must increase” mentality is rare in church leadership and people, believers and unbelievers, see this…..and are disgusted, confused and just turn away…lazy or discontented without enough energy to fight for the faith or the truth, especially if those leading don’t have it to offer.

By: Beth Buchanon Thu, 29 Nov 2018 23:44:40 +0000 In reply to Michael Frost.

Thanks Mike and commenters who with for a safe space to talk within the church. The danger is …who is leading that conversation. If the wrong leader leads or has an ego to be so unique and different.. so leads people further from the truth, it could be worse. this a very tough subject and time to live in spiritually…but Jesus said it would get this way until only a remnant is left. The good news is He is the Truth as is His Word and to hunker down studying it will help anyone. If we pray and ask God to show us the Truth, He promises He will. He also promised the gates of hell will not win this battle. Thank God for you as I often confront these issues speaking with people, but you are an eloquent speaker of truth on these issues. Stay true, brother.

By: Carl Sat, 14 Apr 2018 07:15:16 +0000 Late to the game here, but found your article and resonate with the observations and reflections. Thank You for your writing them here. Having been raised in a Fundamentalist Christian church and primary school, attended a very liberal university, and graduated from a moderate evangelical seminary, decades in my Faith has brought me an open-eyed realization that there is very little honesty, i.e. truth, in regards to errors, lack of archaeology, or humble admission of sin in the Church overall, as well troubling matters pertaining to the Bible. { EX: Why on earth would Protestants have the nerve to delete The Apocrypha from the Bible? } I committed the “sin” of using my own reason and common sense to surmise that some passages in the Scriptures are troubling and/or outright at its face, perhaps, evil? I either have to firmly re-frame the Bible as fundamentally tainted and flawed by human minds/hands OR completely unlearn who I thought “God” was. Or both.

I digress. I’ve had my moments where I wondered if I should logically identify as Atheist, but I truly don’t find that “leap” convincing, though…I, like Bart, have changed opinion on hell, the Bible, homosexuality, God. Part of the problem is that I’ve been royally burned by Conservatives who are proud and scared to truthfully admit their doubts and sins, really. Yet, I am fully turned off by Progressives who one-dimensionally pigeonhole Jesus into Socialism. I can understand why Christians voted for Trump, and did not. Both sides are often rather narrow-minded extremists, to be frank.

And my closer Christian friends are too scared to relate with me in my Journey. They’d rather hide in fake “miracles” and superstitions while interacting with their own idea of “God” that is not too well thought out. They let teachers and preachers do their thinking for them, and of course, don’t admit to it. Net result: It can be rough striving for intellectual dishonesty when “Christians” choose to lie. I thought lying was a sin. Alas, we all have our lists of what sins are bad, and which are ok. Further digression.

If there is any way to connect with like-minded individuals here, it would be a “godsend”. 😉

By: Poutama Hobman Sun, 15 Oct 2017 12:02:23 +0000 Its strange that some just assume that Athiesm needs to be the final denstination and not just another step on a journey of faith.

By: Lisa Mon, 09 Oct 2017 11:46:25 +0000 Mike, appreciate this article, especially the insights of James and Kushner. I very much agree with Craig and the need for space in our faith communities for authentic conversations about faith struggles. There are people in any church at any point in time who are ‘wrestling with God’ and their struggles are not necessarily just theological. Advice to ‘get over it’ communicates that the struggle itself is somehow wrong, shuts down the conversation and leads to massive loneliness. As one friend commented recently: “if I’d lost a limb, it’s more likely that people would have some patience with me.”

As people of the Book, we recite the Psalms of lament and cries of ‘why God why’. We retell stories of patriarchs and prophets who spent time in caves, wadis, wildernesses, pits and prison cells. We retell stories of people of God wrestling with God and his ways. If Scripture gives space to the struggles of great people, then there’s a place for us to give space to the struggles of the great people in our midst.

A critical verse for me, in re-claiming faith, was Isaiah 42:3. It was grasping that when I felt like a fragile bruised reed and a smoldering wick, God didn’t despise me but gave me hope by promising to faithfully bring forth justice. God doesn’t “come in after the battle and bayonet the wounded”. The journey to being ‘twice-born’ is often slow and will not necessarily happen in isolation from others. Maybe, as faith communities, we need to discover a discipline of imitating God by gently binding each other’s wounds and patiently fanning faith back to a full flame.

By: David Esdaile Fri, 06 Oct 2017 01:18:59 +0000 Thanks Mike. From the time I first read The Shaping of Things to Come you have been able to put into words what my spirit is saying to me. This article describes and illuminates my own ongoing journey through conservative belief to a resilient faith. I’ve had to struggle through the issues you mention, but you encourage me to keep going wherever it leads. It might all make sense in the end.

By: Alan K Thu, 05 Oct 2017 13:12:40 +0000 Thank you. The commonality in what you termed “progressive” and “conservative” is that both exercise a faith where God is not free. In both, God is subject to the frames of whatever foundation or worldview serves as background to God’s foreground action. A considerable amount of conservative weltanschauung is merely a popularized form of scientific anthropology from the first half of the 20th century, not anything that fell from the heavens. Progressives are much better at adapting to changes in these background structures, but give them an undue authority–progressives are just hip foundationalists.

What is really needed is a doctrine of creation where Jesus Christ is really its Lord. He is free to inhabit worldviews and even utilize them, but not be subject to them. By their very nature, our understanding of cosmological structures, from subatomic particles to the far expanses of space, is all provisional. God is free to use our provisionality to serve the heavenly purposes of Jesus Christ (just read Genesis 1–a Babylonian worldview is utilized, exhausted, and then discarded once it has served God’s purposes in narrating the creation).

As someone once said, “The options are Karl Barth or Bart Ehrman (or I guest Bart Campolo has the right name as well)–if the thinking evangelical does not read or comprehend the former then he or she will most certainly become the latter.”

By: Shannon Thu, 05 Oct 2017 02:46:47 +0000 Hey Mike, I have been thinking on this a bit more and I do have some thoughts to bounce off you. Is it possible that the “leap from faith” has to do with societal/cultural issues that are a bit deeper than they appear? I think consumerism has a large influence on the exit from church. If people are always asking, “what’s in it for me?” and they don’t feel as though whatever brand of Christianity they have chosen is working for them, then they leave. Or perhaps individualism, if someone in the “collective” group demonstrates a behavior or ethic that is distasteful, then why not jump ship?

I get concerned a bit when we allow the behaviors of other Christians to define and form how we display the love and heart of Jesus to the world around us. If someone is a white supremacist, and calls himself or herself a Christian, I do not fold or give up, but work all the harder for the people I interact with to see Jesus’ heart in everything I do. If someone is ethically and morally irresponsible and calls himself or herself a Christian, I work all the harder to have people understand that the image of God is imprinted on each and every living soul and I choose to honor that.

I guess I just don’t get giving up on Jesus. I will say, that I grapple long and hard with my faith and test it often. I am a cynical misfit who is not afraid to bring my doubts before the Almighty Creator. And I do agree with you, Mike, that untested faith is weak and wonky. On the contrary, a faith that is honest and pure should have times of serious contemplation, doubt and questioning. So, maybe it IS laziness that causes folks to say, “no thanks to Christianity,” but I believe that laziness is brought about partly by certain cultural norms like consumerism and individualism that so permeate the Western world.

…I may very well be wrong!

By: David Thu, 05 Oct 2017 00:43:05 +0000 Thanks Michael. Helpful reflections.
I consider growth and ongoing maturity to necessitate a kind of moving beyond previously held beliefs. This does not need to end in atheism – but the move from what I once believed and the delay in working out my new way of holding things may rightly be described as a moved to/through atheism. Relinquishing what we once held dear in order to believe in new ways is a thing!

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