Comments on: One of the most powerful weapons of privilege is the refusal to listen AUTHOR | SPEAKER | MISSIOLOGIST | AGITATOR Thu, 05 Oct 2017 03:54:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: Naomi Sun, 23 Apr 2017 07:59:25 +0000 Interesting article which is full of emotive language, but lacks hard evidence to back up its claims – entering into moral relativism.

The church AS A WHOLE is listening to the struggles of the LGBTQI+ community and feeling with them. The church has always been there standing up for the marginalized. We don’t live in Muslim countries where gay people are getting thrown off buildings and stoned. Living in Australia IS privilege.

In Australia, homosexuals can acquire a Civil Union without going through the process of proving the status of their defacto relationships. The Civil Union is the same as marriage in everything but the title. The LGBTQI+ community is asking to change the institution of marriage which believes in truths which are not objective. Many Christians may/do feel strongly about this and have a right to. They are fighting hard because traditional marriage is something they believe reflects and once the law is passed they will abide by man’s law.
Victoria’s DET can’t prove homophobic bullying in schools and it is the same case in the church. The Sydney bishop this guy refers to was recently sanctioned by the state for hate in his anti-gay marriage sermon. Those who ‘discriminate’ are punished under our legal system.

Where is the evidence that the church as a widespread institution is discriminating against and refusing to listen to the LGBTQI+ community? The author shouting institutional discrimination doesn’t prove it.

Of course everyone should be treated equally as we are all created in the image of God, however using the government to enforce a view upon people is an aspect of totalitarianism. Those that are shouting the loudest for gay marriage don’t want the church to listen. They want the church to compromise on their convictions.

By: Allan Wood Tue, 04 Apr 2017 07:06:25 +0000 I agree but don’t agree. I am 75 and a priest and I’ve hated how gay people were imprisoned and treated. Now the church gets blamed. Yes some would have wanted to destroy the gay population thinking they were doing the right thing. However the church did not make the laws they were made in parliament by parliamentarians and I do not remember hearing or reading of descenting voices. The church has always being in a minority. How we govern our selves is for us to discern. We are in this society but not of it. Our concern is for families, aged people , children , education , the poor and broken and we dig deep in our pockets when people are marganilised whether in this country or overseas . We are conscious of those who have died for their faith by governments and people who don’t give a damn. We turn the other cheek, go the second mile and pray for those who wished we were not here. Yes it hurts. We have been doing that for thousands of years and are still doing it in many places around the world. Yes we will still be there to pick up the mess that will be left and will still get the kicks from those who don’t have a clue. The one we follow will still be saying to us “Father forgive them for they know not what they do”. My point is first look in the mirror yourself before you smash the mirror over someone else’s head

By: Nicole Sat, 01 Apr 2017 23:07:02 +0000 So right Mike. Thank you for acknowledging the great hurt felt in the past and STILL being experienced by many. Until we truly are sorry and bring that heartfelt repentance to our brothers and sisters there will continue to be a chasm between us, and sadly this will feel like a chasm between those who are hurting and God himself. The church should never be the one to cause such a feeling of isolation from the One who loves us ALL most. We have much to repent of and much to repair. I for one am up for that process, its about time!!!

By: Naomi Swindon Sat, 01 Apr 2017 03:03:38 +0000 I agree..
