A New Moral Majority?

Remember the Moral Majority back in the 1980s? Its name was coined by Paul Weyrich, who believed the majority of Americans were morally conservative but largely ignored in general elections. Weyrich believed this huge silent cohort were opposed to feminism, homosexual rights, abortion, and communism, and they wanted prayer and creationism back in public schools.

You might also remember the Moral Majority after it got all weird when Jerry Falwell started calling out MLK as a communist, Muhummad Ali as a terrorist, and Tinky Winky from the Teletubbies as a gay activist (I’m not kidding).

But I can’t help but wonder whether there’s a new moral majority emerging, as silently as did the old one.

It’s my hunch that there’s a growing number of people who identify as neither liberal nor conservative but who want to see action on climate change, government and corporate corruption, systemic racism, immigration reform, education funding, socialized healthcare and the military-industrial complex.

And many of them are Christians who see these issues in distinctly moral terms and who have arrived at their views based on their understanding of the values taught in Scripture.

Recently, a Christian friend of mine posted a kind of 95 Theses on the 21st Century’s version of the Wittenberg door (Facebook) and got a hugely positive response, including from me. In fact, I agreed with every one of them. And I think there’s a growing number of Christians who would agree also.

His name is Brent Thomas and here’s his list. How many do you agree with?

  1. I am okay paying taxes and I think they should be used for the betterment of society (things like: education, Infrastructure, universal healthcare, etc.);
  2. I do not think it’s okay that the rich play by different tax codes;
  3. Corporations have too much power;
  4. I’m not okay with my government spying on its citizens;
  5. I don’t think healthcare should be a “for profit” industry. Getting sick should not be a financial burden;
  6. I favor universal healthcare;
  7. I don’t think the pursuit of education should put you in debt and I’m not okay with how education funding has been tied to property taxes, which means that less fortunate neighborhoods often have less fortunate schools;
  8. We should care for the poor rather than protect the rich;
  9. We should cut military spending and pursue policies of peace;
  10. I’m okay with stricter gun control laws;
  11. Trickle-down economics inherently favors the rich and does not result in job growth;
  12. Torture is wrong;
  13. Holding people captive indefinitely with no plans for a court hearing is wrong;
  14. Nearly all of our recent wars have been wrong;
  15. If you are a baker, your job is to bake, not willy-nilly impose your beliefs on others;
  16. I have become a pacifist (mostly);
  17. Racial profiling is wrong;
  18. Systemic racism is real and must be addressed;
  19. I now (mostly) oppose the death penalty;
  20. We should welcome and care for refugees;
  21. The “war on drugs” is not only a sham but inherently racist in the way it has been carried out;
  22. Mass incarceration is unjust and inherently racist in the way it has been carried out;
  23. For-profit prisons are wrong;
  24. We should protect the environment and I’m okay with government regulation to do so;
  25. Businesses should be held accountable for more than their bottom line and should answer to more than their shareholders;
  26. I am deeply troubled by the idea of “American Exceptionalism”;
  27. Empathizing with “Black Lives Matter” is not the same thing as opposing police;
  28. Sexism is an inherent part of our cultural dynamic and must be addressed;
  29. It takes more than opposing abortion to truly be “pro-life”;
  30. It’s time to stop the power industries from blocking renewable energy.

Now I understand some people might think this is all just some kind of lefty, bleeding heart liberalism, but I think you’d be surprised by how many moderate and even conservative Christians could happily check all 30 statements. You might be surprised by how many of these your pastor could check.

For this new cohort none of the major political parties fully represent their concerns. And remember, this was exactly the catalyst for Falwell, Weyrich and others to found the original Moral Majority.

I’m not proposing a new party or a new organization, but I do think the existing political structures need to listen to this growing new silent (soon-to-be?) majority.

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18 thoughts on “A New Moral Majority?

  1. Vote 1 Michael Frost

  2. It’s a bit US-centric, but that’s ok, most of it is still relevant to us. I do think if we’re going to have 15 (bakers don’t push their beliefs) then we also need 15a (cake seekers don’t push their beliefs either).

    Regarding the moral majority: I’m beginning to be okay with the Church not being unified. I get both sides of each issue pushed at me all the time from fellow believers. Every side believes it’s the moral side!

  3. U would have made a great Bernie supporter. When did liberal in love and compassion become a bad thing. It happened with the rise of a spirit of scarcity.

  4. Great article! I would also add ableism, classism, and heterosexim to 28.

  5. I am a 28 pointer. I’m a majority new moral majority.

  6. Michael, I am in favour of creating a new political party which represents many of these views, and operates on a Christian world view. A project which integrates ‘gospel/good news’ and ‘practical service/good deeds’- and practucally implements good public theology. Any thoughts on how we get started?

    1. No, I have no clue about political organization, but if you figure it out let me know.

      1. Will do

  7. Interesting and thought provoking. As a Brit watching from afar, the ideas here make so much more sense than some of the political rhetoric we see going on in the current political debates, both in the US and indeed here in the UK ( we already have very strict control on guns and a free healthcare system.) The growing gap between rich and poor seems the same wherever you come from, as does the growing power of certain corporations. Maybe this silent majority will be the start of change ( I like to think change originates from the Spirit ofGod). So come on folks, put down the I-phones and the Starbucks coffee cup and let’s change the world……

    1. Brilliant!

  8. This would be worth taking more seriously than some graffiti in a toilet cubicle if you removed the loaded ones.

    1. Loaded?

      1. If you can’t spot a loaded statement when you see one, you are pretty much beyond hope. There are, however, quite a lot of sects and single-issue campaigning groups that would be keen to have you on board.

        1. Don’t worry, Peter, I have no idea what he’s talking about either.

  9. Yeh! Sounds realistic!

  10. The “Occupy movement,” Bernie…Something’s stirring.

  11. sounds like Liberation theology is alive and well in the Baptist Union and Monisor Frost is up and running to head it

    1. No, not liberation theology, just biblical theology. And I have no clue what a Monisor is.

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